Blood Pressure & Blood Sugar Clinic

The Senior Center, in conjunction with the Sudbury Board of Health, offers free blood pressure testing and blood sugar (glucose) testing each Tuesday from 8:45-10:45 AM.

If you would like to take advantage of the glucose testing, please fast before arriving at the Senior Center for your test.

No appointment is necessary.

Drop-in Health Clinic

The Senior Center, in conjunction with the Sudbury Board of Health, offers weekly free drop-in health clinics.

Clinic hours are Tuesdays 8:45-10:45 AM.

No appointment is necessary.

Medical Equipment Loan Closet

untitled-2-2 RHD untitled-2-2For those in need of medical equipment such as shower chairs, walkers, canes, commodes, transfer benches and wheelchairs, the Senior Center may provide the item on loan for as long as it is needed, at no cost. We welcome donations of equipment on Tuesdays and Fridays from Noon to 4pm.

To learn more see our Medical Equipment Loan Closet page.