Fitness Programs at the Sudbury Senior Center
Sign-Up Information
Please stop by and register at Senior Center Front Desk. Checks payable to “Town of Sudbury” at registration. |

Sign-up Information
Sign-up for residents begins 3 weeks before the class start date. Sign-up for all others begins 2 weeks before the class start date. Payment is due at registration.
Fitness classes that we offer:
- Brains and Balance
- Better Bones, Senior Strength
- Fit for the Future with Lois Levy (aerobics & strength)
- Tap Dance – Beginners
- Tap Dance – Intermediate
- Tai Chi – Beginners
- Traditional Tai Chi – Intermediate
- Tai Chi for Health Living (for those who prefer a slower pace)
- Yoga for Living Well
- Chair Yoga
Check the calendar to see what is offered now.